Source code for km3test.configure

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Managing test setup by reading configurations, handling test objects and performing test in class TestManager.
Basic test steps include 
* adding test from test configuration files or manually
* adding test objects
* creating the test setup
* running the tests
* returning the test results

import yaml
import csv
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
from .testing import KM3Test, TestCriteria
from .reporting import Reporter

[docs]class TestManager: """Class to manage test execution Objects: * self.configs: holding configuration for tests * self.inputs: holding input objects to be tested (e.g. files paths) * self.tests: full test scenarios with according configuration and inputs (of type KM3Test) * self.outputs: output objects from tests (e.g. summaries, optional) """ def __init__(self): self.configs = {} self.inputs = {} self.tests = {} self.outputs = {"config": {}} self.read_standards()
[docs] def add_configuration(self, configname, config): self.configs.setdefault(configname, config)
[docs] def add_input(self, inputname, inputconfig): self.inputs.setdefault(inputname, inputconfig)
[docs] def add_report(self, reportname, reportconfig): self.outputs["config"].setdefault(reportname, reportconfig)
[docs] def read_standards(self, folderpath = ""): if not folderpath: folderpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/testconfigs/" filelist = os.listdir(folderpath) for file in filelist: if file.find(".y")>0: fshort = file[0:file.rfind(".")] self.read_configfile(folderpath + file, fshort) # standard report to return a summary message self.outputs["config"].setdefault("onlyone", {"datatype": "bool"})
[docs] def read_configfile(self, infilename, prefix = ""): """Auxiliary to read configurations from yaml file""" with open(infilename, 'r') as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) if prefix: prefix = prefix + "_" if "tests" in config: for entry in config["tests"]: self.add_configuration(prefix+entry, config["tests"][entry]) if "inputs" in config: for entry in config["inputs"]: self.add_input(prefix+entry, config["inputs"][entry]) if "reports" in config: self.outputs["config"] = config["reports"]
[docs] def create(self): """Creates KM3Tests from configurations""" for entry in self.inputs: iconf = self.inputs[entry] if not "tests" in iconf: print ("Need to define tests when adding input") return for testconf in iconf["tests"]: if not testconf in self.configs: print ("Did not find test configuration for "+testconf+". Will not add test.") continue else: fpath = iconf["filepath"] # create all input file combinations if fpath.find("{")>-1: if not "parameters" in iconf: print ("Cannot find parameters in for input in configuration.") return elif type(iconf["parameters"]) is str: try: with open(iconf["parameters"], 'r') as parfile: parreader = csv.DictReader(parfile) params = {} for key in parreader.fieldnames: params.setdefault(key.strip(), []) for row in parreader: for key in parreader.fieldnames: if row[key].strip() != "": params[key.strip()].append(row[key].strip()) iconf["parameters"] = params except: print ("Failed to read parameter file "+iconf["parameters"]) fnames = self._expand_filelist(fpath, iconf["parameters"]) else: fnames = [[fpath, {}]] # create files & tests for fileinfo in fnames: config = self.configs[testconf].copy() config.setdefault("objectfilepath", fileinfo[0]) config.setdefault("objectinfo", fileinfo[1]) if "objecttype" in iconf: config.setdefault("objecttype", iconf["objecttype"]) elif "objecttype" in self.configs[testconf]: config.setdefault("objecttype", self.configs[testconf]["objecttype"]) test = KM3Test() test.set_config(config) self.tests.setdefault(testconf+"_"+fileinfo[0], test)
@staticmethod def _expand_filelist(fpath, paramdict): """Creating full file list from configuration. Returns list of files and individual configuration parameters""" paramnames = [] starter = 0 while fpath.find("{", starter) > -1: paramnames.append(fpath[fpath.find("{", starter)+1:fpath.find("}", starter)]) starter = fpath.find("}", starter) + 1 for param in paramnames: if not param in paramdict: print ("Cannot find parameter "+param+" in configuration.") pcombi = [{}] counter = 0 for param in paramnames: for combi in pcombi: for entry in paramdict[param]: if not param in combi and len(combi) >= counter: new = combi.copy() new.setdefault(param, entry) pcombi.append(new) counter += 1 fnames = [] for entry in pcombi: if len(entry)==len(paramnames): fname = fpath for param in entry: fname = fname.replace("{"+param+"}", str(entry[param])) if not [fname, entry] in fnames and fname.find("{")<0: fnames.append([fname, entry]) return fnames
[docs] def run(self): """Runs created tests in self.test""" for key in self.tests: self.tests[key].perform_test()
[docs] def report(self, display = False): """Returns results according to configuration""" repo = Reporter(self.outputs["config"], self.tests) repo.create_report() self.outputs["reports"] = repo
[docs] def save_all(self, filepath): """Saves all configurations, tests and reports as python object""" with open(filepath, 'wb') as output: pickle.dump(self.configs, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(self.inputs, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(self.tests, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) pickle.dump(self.outputs, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def read_all(self, filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as pickles: self.configs = pickle.load(pickles) self.inputs = pickle.load(pickles) self.tests = pickle.load(pickles) self.outputs = pickle.load(pickles)